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Description of the artist project in few lines (max 3 lines)EX : This project explores the pacific ocean and the search for glowing jellyfish. It was a true revelation of the glowing light of underwater creatures.
- Location: City (FR)
- Genre: Music Style
- Labels: NBM Records
Passionate about music since forever, Dj HP mixes now for over 20 years. He discovered techno in the 90s and evolves in various styles, from breakbeat, electro through psy trance, minimale or trance progressive.
In 2009, he joined the family of pirates « WORLD PEOPLE ». This meeting marks a turning point in its influences, where he definitely plays psychedelic music.
Dj HP, with the rythm in the skin, stands out with his eclectic mixes, progressive and powerful which drives the public immediately on the dancefloor.
His technical mix, gained over many years enables him to achieve a certain ease with turntables and to share a groove sense which satisfies more than one.
His own musical style is recognized by its mechanical and acid-tinged sounds, a great energy and dance moves. Whatever he plays, from an electro house set to a minimal techno set, it always sounds pumping musing.
In 2011, he became a member of Natural Beat Maker linked to KOSEN Prod and occurred in major electronic or trance events in France.
Passionné de musique depuis toujours , HP mixe maintenant depuis plus de 15 ans.
Il découvre la techno fin des années 90 et évolue dans divers styles, allant du break beat, à l’électro en passant par la trance psy, minimal ou progressive .
En 2009, il rejoint la famille des pirates « WORLD PEOPLE » : cette rencontre marque un tournant dans ses influences qui se teintes de psychédélique.
Sa particularité , son point fort est de faire des mixs éclectiques, progressifs et percutants , sa technique de mix, acquise depuis de longues années lui permet de réaliser des sets très pointus et variés.
Son propre style se reconnaît aux sonorités mécaniques et acides, teintées de groove. Qu’il nous distille un set électro , house ou un set plus techno minimale, il conserve toujours cette même constante : un mix pumping !!
En 2011 il devient DJ membre de l’association NATURAL BEAT MAKERZ et se produit dans les principaux événements electro/trance en France.